Copied Nov 3, 2001 from: Guysborough
Sketches and Other Essays
Gold having first been found
here near the Barachois in 1860, it was not long before a number of leads
were discovered. In 1862 seven were being worked, the Smith, the Middle
lead, the Major Norton, the Barachois, the Halliday, the Wiscasset and
the Gillespie. The Smith lead produced for a time 6 oz. of gold to the
ton of ore crushed. On one occasion, from the Hattie lead, 5 tons of quartz
gave 135 oz. of gold. It’s average production over a period of some months
was 3 oz. of gold per ton of ore, the Middle lead with 2 and a half oz.
coming a close second. In 1863 the district produced more gold than any
other in the province and it continued to pay richly for several years.
Its banner year for that period was 1864, when over 4,000 oz. of gold were
The names of some of the earlier
companies are the Eldorado, the Orient, the Provincial, the Caledonia and
the Glenelg. A few years later the Eureka, the Napier, the Globe, the Phoenix,
the Gladstone, the New Eldorado, the Wine Harbour Goldmining Co., the Guysborough
Gold Mining Co., the Plough Lead Gold Mining Co., and the Wine Harbour
Co. were active.
After 1864 the production of
the field declined until in 1880 only 61 oz. were obtained. The Plough
Lead Mining Co. was largely responsible for the rehabilitation of the field,
but production never again greatly exceeded 2000 ounces a year. In recent
years the returns have been negligible, though during its productive period
it contributed 42,727 oz. to the provincial total.
By A. C. Jost (1950)
Page 216