Chedabucto, Sedabooktook, running far back.
Clam Harbour, Asaugadich, clam ground.
Country Harbour, Asaugadich, flounder ground also,Moolaboogwek, deeply gullied out.
Cole Harbour, Wonpaak, still water.
Canso, Camsok, opposite a high bluff.
Little Canso, Camsogooch, little Camsok.
Ecum Seckum, Megwasaagunk, a red house.
Fox Island, Sebelogwokun, where skins are stretched.
Gut of Canso, Tooegunuk, an outlet.
Indian Harbour, Utkgunaakade, autumn fishery.
Liscomb Harbour, Megadawik, where the big eels are taken.
Mary Joseph, Kulokwejook, sculpin ground.
New Harbour, Okoboogwek, foaming with discolored foam, also Ansaakw, a lonely rock.
Oyster Ponds, Pajdoobaachk, wave dashed, or buried by the rolling wave.
Port Mulgrave, Wolumkwa-kagunuchk, lobster ground.
St. Mary's, Nabsoosakunuk.
White Head, Camsogoochech.
Wine Harbour, Pulamkeegunchk, an outlet cut through the sand.